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Grow Your Vision

Anxious? Smoking or vaping? Sleep issues? Irrational fears? These are just a few of the issues that can be addressed using Hypnotherapy. You may achieve amazing results for your personal development… with no side-effects.  Here is a developed system designed to help you to realise your ‘Raison d’etre’; your heartfelt goals in life... an ‘H.D.P.’ Hypnotherapy Clinic appointment in person, or online. The Initial Consultation is free. Online video-conferencing available.

Business Details



Simon Caines

(Text, please):

(UK code) (0)7957178433

(Clinic Details):

Harley Street

Hypnotherapy Clinic, London


Also available at:

The Whitchurch Clinic,

 57, Merthyr Rd.


CF14 1DD

Opening Hours:

(On-line Live Sessions also possible, with suitable preparations made first). 

Prices vary, Concessions apply, with Benefits proven.

Smoking; just one hour and a half session required: £120

Other Hypnotherapy services sessions

are between £40, £80 and £120 each, being means tested for inclusion.

   Mon - Fri: 10am - 6.30pm
​​   Saturday/Sunday:  

   By arrangement

    Hypnotherapy Dreamtime Pathways

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